“Everything must go”
At first glance, it is hard to believe that “Everything must go” is a movie based on a short story “Why don’t you dance?” Whilst the movie gives out a full story of an extremely unlucky man whose wife got out of house with all his belongings thrown out in the lawn and the door lock changed on the day he got fired from his work, the story itself is only a page long, capturing only a very short scene of the movie. However surprisingly, nothing seems awkward or overwhelming. The movie harmonizes with the novel smoothly – the scenes match naturally with the kind of feeling and atmosphere I could gain while reading the story. I’d say that the movie is practically the story itself with a bit of heart-warming stories and wits added to it.
The part I liked the most about the movie was how the movie is comedic, light-hearted, and at the same time, heart-warming. Though the situation itself is definitely gloomy, it never depresses the viewers. Rather, we feel impressed as the black boy, the newly-moved women next door, and the man character himself helps and sympathizes each other, getting over their own hardships and at the same time help others heal as well. Ferrell’s comedic nature definitely shows in the movie and provides occasional laughter to the viewers, but it is never too overwhelming to spoil the essence of the film.
Not too disturbing, not too gloomy, not too light – I thought this movie is exactly the kind to grab and enjoy in Friday night with family!
This sounds very much like a review - and a positive one. Good writing.